Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gotta love a new PC!

I have replaced my problem PC. I am still 5 or 6 games behind but I should have them posted in the next couple of days. I appreciate your patience.


Saturday, June 13, 2009


Hi everyone,
As the regular seasons are winding down and the last minute rush is on, my PC has decided to become a problem. I will try and get the issue resolved in the next day or possibly two. In the mean time I have some games stacking up on me.

If I have shot your child's game in the last 4 days, you're affected.

I will have everyone's pictures online as soon as I possibly can. In the meantime. your patience is greatly appreciated.


Saturday, April 4, 2009


The new season is approaching fast. I will be in Seattle Washington on business the last 2 weeks in April and will most likely miss most opening days. After that I should be seen regularly at the Galveston Youth League an the Northwestern Youth Baseball League. Normally I spend the majority of my time in Galveston. There I can catch Walton teams of both softball and baseball as well as Northwestern Girls Softball.

Thanks and I hope to see you at the park!


Monday, January 26, 2009

Apology Regarding the Maconaquah tourney

I made a mistake in post processing. To do this right, I need to redo all of the pictures for all 4 games. I apologize. I should be ready to upload over night on Wednesday.

Thanks in advance for your patience.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Maconaquah Tourney - 01/24

WOW, what a great final game!
I should be uploading pictures Mon night so be sure to come back and have a look.
